Thursday, October 23, 2014. Bettie was specially commissioned from Cascade in 1979 with a flush deck and 14 extra inches of freeboard. The hull is hand laid, fiberglass mat, and the deck is solid, marine grade birch plywood with a fiberglass top and maple stringers. And there are no leaks. Which is almost unheard of in the boating world.
Finally, the boat is sold.
Small Boat Projects - Making Life Aboard Easier. Life aboard is living large, in a small space. Every boat owner has found ways to make life in that small space easier, more comfortable, more convenient. The idea behind this site is to provide a place where these ideas can be shared amongst the boating community. To participate, send your contribution to SmallBoatProjects at gmail dot com. Tuesday, August 4, 2015.
The Launch and the Early Trips. Wednesday, August 5, 2015. Chichen Itza - the pinnacle of Mayan astronomical related architecture. Finally, we arrived in Piste and probably could have been dropped in front of our motel-like hotel if we had known where it was. We chose the center of the village to get off and as the bus rolled away, a 3 wheel motorcycle taxi rolled up and we were away to the Piramide Hotel.
The cure for anything is saltwater sweat, tears, or the sea. The cure for anything is saltwater sweat, tears, or the sea. Feliz año nuevo de Chacala. Hull scrapes and muddy bottoms. Am I dreaming? I asked myself.
The joy of helping dreams become real. And I wrote would come together to look as beautiful as those pages. When I first saw the proofs that came over email from our publisher Lin. Tears literally came to my eyes when I saw the gorgeous book our words have evolved into. So to have been involved in a project of this magnitude is simply thrilling.
The Saga of the Rebel Heart. To start something, you must end something else. Life with Lyra Part Two. Life with Lyra Part One. Carry The Future It Matters to this One. Currently in the Pacific Ocean. We each write a blog, so check out Eric. For different perspectives on the trip. You can read up more about us. Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.
Follow the boating adventures of the Elston family as we begin a new chapter in our lives. We are becoming full-time cruisers. We will explore the coasts of WA, Oregon, CA, and then Mexico! It is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny. Where are we now? CLICK HERE FOR A MAP TO OUR CURRENT LOCATION. Monday, August 3, 2015. July 31, 2015 - We are back home, safe and sound. We will be posting more about these stops, and our trip home very soon. What does the future hold for us? We already miss jum.
Wednesday, 22 April 2015. On our way back to BC. Santa Rosalia is a bit of an anomaly in Mexico, founded by a french mining company in 1884 in order to exploit the deposits of copper in the area, the town was built out of lumber imported from the Pacific Northwest. It gives the town a very different feel to anywhere else we have been where cement block is the building material of choice. Our cozy quarters in San Carlos. San Carlos has some very dramatic scenery.